Ram Gopal Varma, the director of the sequel to Sarkar had written the script for Sarkar Raj about one-and-a-half years back when Abhi-Ash were not married and the script had an undercurrent of romance between the duo though Abhi is shown married to Tanisha in the film.
But, since they got married soon after and Ramu decided to facilitate the romantic affinity between Abhishek and Aishwarya by making Tanisha’s character die in the film.
A source says, “Ramu had to change the script of the film and make Tanisha’s character die to actually show in the end that the real life married couple Abhi-Ash are together even in reel life.”
The source adds, “It was a tricky situation for Ramu to show that the real life couple are not a couple on screen but they are engaged in some sort of romance when Abhi in the film is linked to Tanisha. So Ramu decided to kill her character as he thought people would be more inclined to see the real life couple stay together in the end of the film after they struggle and win over all odds.”
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