Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan Friday apologised to all his fans in Europe, specially in Germany, for cancelling his much-awaited 'Temptations Reloaded' Tour and said he would like to start his next big world tour from Germany itself.
"I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me the star that I am and I want to apologise and say a huge sorry that I could not live up to the promise we had given to the people of Germany," Shah Rukh said in a statement here.
"I have done shows everywhere around the world from South East Asia to the Americas, Africa, the UK and in Europe, but never ever did I have the sad luck or the bad luck of having to cancel a tour.
"This is the first time and I promise the people of Germany that before I do a big show of this nature again, I will ensure that I first come to Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin with the happiness that I always bring and the happiness that you have given to me," the actor said.
He added that he had for long wanted to take India's culture to Germany.
"For the last five or six years, the biggest desire in my career as an actor has been to come and perform in Germany because it is a country where the people don't know my language, who don't know culture that I belong to, but have given me enough reason to believe that I am an international star."
Shah Rukh was to have performed with his cast at a glittering theatrical show on Friday night in Berlin, followed by performances Saturday in Munich and Sunday in Frankfurt.
He said he cancelled the tour because he felt he would not have been able to give the best quality of performance with his team as things due to them were not provided.
"In my stage and at my age, I am responsible for two aspects while doing live shows or films or any other product that I offer to the world. One is my responsibility first and foremost to the people who love me so much. I do always intend to give the best quality I can possibly provide with my team.
"The second responsibility is of course to my team that I offer them the best comforts, the best methods of execution and the best atmosphere for work so that they can give their best for your viewing and in the case of these shows, I was falling short on both counts."
The King Khan said he would examine the causes behind the lapse so that it would not recur the next time.
"I promise you that we will work around and see what the mismanaged items in Germany have been...
"I will make sure on my part that we take stock of the situation and do much better to come and perform to all your favourite songs. God willing, we will be in Germany soon, this time, managing things the way we want to...,"" he added.
After a successful Temptation world tour in 2005, Shah Rukh launched his Temptation Reloaded tour in June this year in Rotterdam, Holland. The star was joined by Arjun Rampal, Bipasha Basu, Deepika Padukone, Anushka Dandekar and Ganesh Hegde.
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