Monday, June 2, 2008

Celina Jaitley to work with Sean Connery!

In her next English movie ‘The Quest of Sheherzade’ Bollywood actress Celina Jaitley is likely to work with Scottish superstar Sir Sean Connery.

Celina’s first English film ‘Love Has No Language’ is complete and her second international project ‘The Quest of Sheherzade’ is set to roll in January next year. Celina signed the film in September last year.

Based on the famous epic ‘One Thousand And One Nights’ or ‘Arabian Nights’, the movie will have Celina working with two Hollywood stars. Rumour has it that Sean Connery has been signed to play one of the roles.

While Connery’s presence in the film still has to be officially confirmed, Celina says she is super-excited about the possibility of working with the legendary star.

“I’m kicked about working with Sean in the film. He is the ultimate Bond and happens to be my favourite James Bond as well,” Celina is quoted as saying by TOI.

In the meanwhile, the release of ‘Love Has No Language’ has been postponed from December this year to May 2009.

Celina says the film’s makers want to premiere the movie at next year’s Cannes Film Festival and therefore decided to postpone the release. If things go as planned, Celina will be going to Cannes next year.

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