The gossip mills are working overtime when it comes to Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Too much newsprint is being devoted to incorrect stories on the couple and there are reports that they are increasingly upset over the false reporting. Recently, there were reports on Saif and Kareena having a spat at an awards function. According to one report, the fight was over Kareena's 'revealing' costumes and according to another, the fight was over Saif leaving the function too early. A source close to the couple said, “This is getting extremely upsetting. No reporter bothers to clarify anything with them. It is about time Bebo and Saif spoke up and put a stop to it.”
Apparently, the truth is the exact opposite. The couple's very much together and happy as ever. Saif flew all the way from London where he was shooting for his production, Illuminati Films' first venture directed by Imtiaz Ali. A source close to the actor said, “Saif actually took a twelve-hour flight just to spend three hours with Kareena at this recent award function. Apparently, he had planned this as a surprise for her. Bebo was caught unawares when he landed up and she couldn't stop smiling. In fact, he came all the way just to cheer for her because she received the Best Actress for Jab We Met. All this nonsense about him being upset about a revealing outfit is rubbish. Manish Malhotra, who has been designing for her, had done the outfit she was wearing for the awards function and he was very much aware of what she was wearing. And she has worn a bikini in Tashan, so what's the big deal over an outfit?"
Kareena retorts, "Enough is enough. Why don't people check facts before writing? These stories are absolutely ridiculous and baseless. In fact, Saif came all the way to surprise me and I've never been happier."
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