After Akshay Kumar donned the role of a Sikh in Singh is Kinng , which has done reasonably well at the box office, it's now the turn of Salman Khan and Saif Ali Khan, who will be seen in turbans. Salman is playing the role of a Sikh soldier in the upcoming multi starrer film Heroes while Saif Ali Khan is busy shooting in Patiala for Chhote Nawab opposite Deepika Padukone.
Actor Mangal Dhillon says Sikhs should be proud of these characters. Akshay did very well in Singh is Kinng and that seems to have prompted filmmakers to have their main characters as Sikhs. The positive thing about this trend is that turbaned Sikhs with beard are being cast as central characters and all Sikhs should be proud of this, says Dhillon, who has acted in many Bollywood films and television soaps. It is also a sharp contrast from the past when Sikhs were often portrayed as clowns, jokers or alcoholics.
It clicked for Sunny Deol in films like Gadar Ek Prem Katha and Jo Bole So Nihaal and it has been the case again in Singh is Kinng . And so other top actors are hoping their films in this avatar will be success B says. In Heroes Salman also grew his beard to sport a real look. His respect for the turban made him stay from cigarettes, says Dhillon.
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