Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ruslaan caught red handed!!!

Ruslaan Mumtaz of MP3 fame, while returning from the shoot of his latest film 'Mastang Mama' was stopped by a traffic policeman at the Dadar Circle allegedly for jumping the signal which Ruslaan was sure he had not.

But the policeman insisted he had. He asked Ruslaan to produce all document, such as license, registration book, insurance papers, PUC, etc. though all were in order, after much deliberation he told Ruslaan that he may go.

As Ruslaan was about to leave the policeman once again tapped on the window glass signaling Ruslaan to lower it. Ruslaan in a exasperated tone said "now what?"

The policeman said he would like to give him a piece advice if he, Ruslaan does not mind and won't feel bad. He kept on repeating this for the over 5 mins till Ruslaan assured him he does not mind and to get on with whatever advice he wanted to give. By this time our young hero was totally exasperated.

To Ruslaan's astonishment the policeman said "go straight down this road and after the second traffic light you will see a medical shop selling ayurvadic hair oil." "Why" said Ruslaan.

The policeman replied ' As you are an actor after a few years you will start loosing your hair but if you use this oil you will have healthy hair and will not have to wear wigs or caps'. Looks like everyone wants to make a 'Mama' out of Ruslaan.

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